Below is a collection of reports, maps, geospatial and geotechnical data, factsheets, documents and other publications issued between 2011 and 2016 and published on the (now decommissioned and archived) Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) website.
This content is part of the CERA website archive.
Further detail about specific document topics is below.
Geospatial data#
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) had a sophisticated geospatial infrastructure to provide data services for earthquake recovery. The publications below include snapshots of this data. Other geospatial data related to the Canterbury earthquakes is available on the government data portal
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: zipped kml file of Central City Cordon (red zone) dated, with all extents from 2011-02-22. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Christchurch CBD cordon for Google Earth. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2011-10-28. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2011-11-17. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: LiDAR elevation sets shown as colourised TIFF files change in elevation and post earthquake elevation. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2012-02-10. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2012-03-22. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2012-15-18. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2012-08-16. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2014-08-24. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2012-09-14. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2012-10-31. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones dated 2013-12-04. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: Zipped shapefile of land check technical categories and land zones grouped into useful areas. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: A description of the CERA geospatial infrastructure. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: CERA led commercial demolitions - completed at 18-4-2016. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: CERA led commercial demolitions - partial demolitions at 18-4-2016. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PUBLIC GEOSPATIAL DATA: CERA led commercial demolitions - work in progress at 18-4-2016. |
Community in Mind#
Community in Mind aimed to help people and communities in greater Christchurch rebuild their health and wellbeing. It guided agencies, organisations and community groups to develop, target and coordinate their activities to support this objective.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Office of the Prime Minister's Science Advisory Committee (OPMSAC) | COMMUNITY IN MIND: The psychosocial consequences of the Canterbury earthquakes. |
Ministry of Social Development (MSD) | COMMUNITY IN MIND: This Framework is to assist those responsible for planning a psychosocial response. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | COMMUNITY IN MIND: Background document providing information on Community in Mind. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | COMMUNITY IN MIND: The Community in Mind strategy. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | COMMUNITY IN MIND: Stories of services and initiatives that are helping to rebuild health and wellbeing in greater Christchurch. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | COMMUNITY IN MIND: Community in Mind - recovery Pathways Support info sheet. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | COMMUNITY IN MIND: A Shared Programme of Action has been created which expands on the Community in Mind Strategy. |
Draft Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch#
The Draft Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch proposed a road map for recovery from the earthquakes, including direction for major activities required to make the recovery effective, timely and well-coordinated. The Strategy was open for public consultation, with the period for comments covering Monday 12 September to Sunday 30 October 2011.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Academic Consulting Limited | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Public Submissions Report (July 2011). |
Academic Consulting Limited | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Community Workshop Report (July 2011). |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: The draft Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Individuals who commented (names and contacts have been removed). |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Organisations who commented. |
Lincoln University Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Summary and Analysis of Written Comments on the draft Recovery Strategy. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: The summary of the draft Recovery Strategy. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Longer comments from individuals. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DRAFT RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Longer comments from organisations. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | ||
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR GREATER CHRISTCHURCH: Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch digram. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | ||
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | MONITORING, REPORTING AND REVIEW OF THE RECOVERY STRATEGY: Monitoring and Reporting Plan. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | MONITORING, REPORTING AND REVIEW OF THE RECOVERY STRATEGY: Monitoring and Reporting Plan summary. |
Geotechnical summaries#
Geotechnical information summaries were prepared for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's Zoning Review Panel. These documents contain all the area-wide geotechnical information which was considered by CERA as part of the process for making zoning decisions, and the subsequent zoning review. These reports include mapping of ground cracking, liquefaction and lateral spreading observations, LiDAR ground elevation and vertical ground movements. At the end of each report is a summary of the area-wide geotechnical considerations and map citations.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for West New Brighton. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary map for CERA zoning review panel. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Pines Beach to Kairaki. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Brooklands to Spencerville. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Southshore to Redcliffs. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for South New Brighton. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Kaiapoi North and West. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for East Burwood. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for South Dallington. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Southeast Christchurch. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for North Dallington to Horseshoe Lake. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Avondale. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Kaiapoi South. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Edgeware to Avonside. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for North Burwood to North New Brighton. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Southwest Christchurch. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for central North Christchurch. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FLAT LAND GEOTECHNICAL SUMMARIES: Geotechnical information summary for Wainoni to Aranui. |
Port Hills rockfall modelling#
The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) commissioned Geovert Ltd to carry out a three-dimensional (3D) rockfall modelling study on the Port Hills. The aim of this study, together with other investigations and work commissioned by the Christchurch City Council, was to help CERA to develop its policy advice to Cabinet regarding zoning decisions for rockfall and boulder roll-affected areas in the Port Hills.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Port Hills 3d rockfall modelling report. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix A. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix B. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix C. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix D. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix E. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix F. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix G. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix H. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix I. |
Geovert Limited | PORT HILLS ROCKFALL MODELLING: Report Appendix J. |
The Christchurch Retail Precinct#
Recognising that successful retail activity is critical to achieving the vision of a thriving central Christchurch, the Retail Precinct was designed to offer a distinctive world-class shopping, dining and cultural experience that reflected the essence of contemporary Canterbury. The innovative and attractive urban environment aimed to draw in a diverse range of commercial and retail businesses to attract the people of Christchurch, as well as national and international visitors, into the central city to work, live, play and invest.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
MacroPlan Dimasi | INITIATIVES FOR RETAIL PRECINCT: Christchurch Central City Retail Core - Preliminary assessment of scope and potential. |
MacroPlan Dimasi | INITIATIVES FOR RETAIL PRECINCT: The new Christchurch City Centre - Recommendations for the retail core - July 2013. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) | RETAIL PRECINCT: Christchurch Retail Precinct Plan. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) | RETAIL PRECINCT: Retail Precinct development map, December 2015. |
The Christchurch Health Precinct#
The Christchurch Health Precinct was conceived as the hub of a creative and inspiring network that integrated world class healthcare, research and innovation, education and industry with a strong emphasis on population health. It was expected to boost New Zealand’s health work force, provide new opportunities for cutting-edge research, promote community well-being and enhance the link between education and health.
Representatives from Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA), the Canterbury District Health Board, University of Otago, University of Canterbury and CPIT worked together to develop the new precinct design, which incorporated health services alongside state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
BVN Donovan Hill; Jasmax; Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | HEALTH PRECINCT : Master Planning Advice. |
Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) | HEALTH PRECINCT : Update booklet February 2014. |
Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT); Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB); University of Canterbury (UC); University of Otago | HEALTH PRECINCT : Overview. |
Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) | HEALTH PRECINCT : Update booklet September 2014. |
Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) | HEALTH PRECINCT : Update booklet May 2015. |
Health Precinct Advisory Council | HEALTH PRECINCT : Advisory Council Strategic Plan. |
The Christchurch Justice Precinct#
The Justice and Emergency Services Precinct encompasses over 40,000 square metres over five floors in the Christchurch city block bordered by Colombo, Tuam, Durham and Lichfield Streets. This location, to the south of the CBD, was chosen for its direct access to the city’s main arterial roads and its close proximity to hospitals for the emergency services.
The precinct is home to the Ministry of Justice, New Zealand Police, Department of Corrections, New Zealand Fire Service, St John and the civil defence and emergency management functions of the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, the Christchurch City Council and Environment Canterbury. It will house 19 courtrooms for hearings of the High Court, District Court, Māori Land Court, Employment Court,
Environment Court and Youth Court.
The precinct cost in the region of $300 million and was the first major public building to be built in Christchurch after the earthquakes in 2010 and 2011 forming a key part of the Government’s blueprint for the central city rebuild.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) |
Design guides#
The Design guides were developed by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) and Christchurch City Council (CCC) in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu to support the delivery of the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan (Recovery Plan) by providing a framework to lead the reconstruction of a public realm network.
The network aimed to ensure public realm projects in the central city were coherent and people focused, with a strong sense of place that would generate community pride.
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Christchurch City Council; Ngai Tahu | DESIGN GUIDES: The 'how to' guide explains chapter content and cross referencing. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Christchurch City Council; Ngai Tahu | DESIGN GUIDES: Streets & Spaces Design Guide Strategic Guidance. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Christchurch City Council; Ngai Tahu | DESIGN GUIDES: South Frame Design Synopsis - Connections and Spaces. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DESIGN GUIDES: South Frame Developed Design Report - Public Realm. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Christchurch City Council; Ngai Tahu | DESIGN GUIDES: The 'how to' guide explains chapter content and cross referencing. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Christchurch City Council; Ngai Tahu | DESIGN GUIDES: Streets & Spaces Design Guide Technical Guidance. |
Other publications 2011 to 2016#
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Tonkin and Taylor Limited | CANTERBURY LAND INFORMATION MAP: Maps detailing areas that are zoned Green, Orange, Red and White. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Department of Building and Housing (DBH) | Department of Building and Housing Technical Categories Factsheet. |
Structex | MAJESTIC CHURCH, STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT & STRENGTHENING REPORT: Structural assessment and strengthening report for the Majestic Church at 126 Manchester Street Christchurch. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | ||
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | COST SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CROWN AND CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL: Factsheet: Independent Assessment - Horizontal infrastructure. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | INVEST IN CHRISTCHURCH: Publication by CCDU outlining the unprecedented opportunity provided by the earthquakes to remake Christchurch. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | CANTERBURY WELLBEING INDEX: December 2013 Canterbury Wellbeing Index. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery; Minister of Finance; Christchurch City Council | COST SHARING AGREEMENT: Details of the Cost Sharing Agreement between the Crown and Christchurch City Council. |
Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) | Interim work at CTV site to be complete for February anniversary. Includes CTV interim site works diagram. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | CANTERBURY WELLBEING INDEX: June 2014 Canterbury Wellbeing Index (Full report). |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | IDEAS TO REMEMBER : Call for Ideas to Remember Design Brief. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FUTURE USE OF THE RED ZONES: Summary of findings from the public engagement on the future use of the red zones in the Waimakariri District. |
Ipsos New Zealand | IDEAS TO REMEMBER : Earthquake Memorial research analysis for Call for ideas to remember. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | IDEAS TO REMEMBER : Earthquake Memorial research analysis, and panel recommendation for Call for ideas to remember. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery; Minister of Finance; Christchurch City Council | COST SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CROWN AND CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL: Independent assessment of horizontal rebuild work and costs report - April 2015. |
Articulous Communications Limited | VICTORIA SQUARE: The Future of Victoria Square. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Ngai Tahu; Christchurch City Council; Environment Canterbury (EC) | VICTORIA SQUARE: Draft restoration plan for Victoria Square. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | PUBLIC SECTOR REBUILD - PROGRAMME OF WORK: A Summary of Construction as at June 2015. |
Christchurch Youth Council; Refugee Youth Council | VICTORIA SQUARE: Youth Friendly Space Audit Victoria Square - June 2015. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) | PUBLIC SECTOR REBUILD - PROGRAMME OF WORK: Programme of Work as at June 2015. |
Barrier Free New Zealand Trust | VICTORIA SQUARE: Existing square site audit: accessibility audit - Victoria Square, Avon River, Christchurch. |
Advisory Board on Transition to Long Term Recovery Arrangements | ADVISORY BOARD: First Report to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | CANTERBURY WELLBEING INDEX: June 2015 Canterbury Wellbeing Index (Summary). |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | CANTERBURY WELLBEING INDEX: June 2015 Canterbury Wellbeing Index (Full report). |
Articulous Communications Limited | VICTORIA SQUARE: The Future of Victoria Square - Round Three Survey Report. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Ngai Tahu; Christchurch City Council; Environment Canterbury (EC) | VICTORIA SQUARE: Victoria Square Restoration Plan. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Christchurch City Council | Ideas to Reality - Visual timeline. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Christchurch City Council | Ideas to Reality booklet - Building a 21st century city. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA); Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) | ŌTĀKARO ART BY THE RIVER: Map of the Ōtākaro Art by the River Proposed Master Plan. |
Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU); Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | Brochure about the proposed ideas for the East Frame. |
Ipsos New Zealand | METRO SPORTS FACILITY: Analysis of the responses by Ipsos on leisure water area. |
Advisory Board on Transition to Long Term Recovery Arrangements | ADVISORY BOARD: Final Report to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery. |