If you're working on an agency level, we've developed a range of resources for you.

Policy Capability Framework: review tool
This is a resource to help you conduct an in-depth review of your agency’s policy capability and to develop action plans for performance improvement. It's one of two tools that apply the Policy Capability Framework.

Applying the Policy Capability Framework
This resource describes the main features of the Policy Capability Framework and explains how to apply the review tool to improve policy capability.

Policy Skills Framework | Te Anga Pūkenga Kaupapahere
The Policy Skills Framework describes the mix of knowledge, applied skills, practices, and behaviours needed by policy practitioners to be able to deliver quality policy advice. Each element of the Framework is described at three levels (Developing, Practising, and Leading).

Guide to the Ministerial Policy Satisfaction Survey
The Ministerial Policy Satisfaction Survey is used by agencies to assess their minister's satisfaction with the services provided by the policy function. This guide contains information on how to use the Survey, including:
‒ setting an optional performance target
‒ conducting the survey with your minister
‒ developing a score based on the results
‒ using the results for improving performance.

Policy Quality Framework: A guide on panels and processes for assessing policy advice papers
These standards can help assess and improve the quality of your agency's written policy and other advice. The advice may be for a minister, Cabinet or other decision makers, and may be jointly provided with other agencies.