Improving the quality of policy advice across government requires a policy community that is committed to upping its game and sharing best practice. This includes strong leadership of the policy system.
Find out about the various elements of the New Zealand policy community – including at the leadership level – and their relationship to the Policy Project and its resources:
Policy system leadership
The policy system is led by the Head of the Policy Profession, Ben King, Chief Executive of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. He is supported by the:
- Policy Profession Board
- Policy Project team
- Tier 2 Policy Leaders’ Network.
Policy managers
Those who manage teams of policy advisors across the public service are a key part of the policy system. They manage busy policy advice work programmes, and commission and quality assure decision and other papers. They shape the recruitment, development and promotion processes for their team members and the culture of their team. Find out about the Policy Project resources that can support you, as a policy manager.
Policy practitioners
At the heart of the policy system are the policy practitioners who develop and communicate policy advice every day, on every kind of policy issue. Whatever your job title – be it analyst or advisor, senior analyst or senior advisor, principal analyst or principal advisor, or something else – you're all a crucial part of the policy system. Find out about the Policy Project resources that can help you deliver quality policy advice and enable good government decisions.
Ways to connect with the policy community
There are a lot of ways for you to connect with your policy colleagues across the New Zealand Public Service and overseas.
Connect with the policy community
Open Government Partnership
The Policy Project's Open Government Partnership focus is on working across government to improve community engagement in policy making.