A one-off fund to catalyse and support community-based initiatives that build resilience against the harms of disinformation was delivered in partnership with InternetNZ, Ipurangi Aotearoa over 2023-2024.
The fund was intended for projects that created impact in two areas:
- Developing domestic expertise and capability: for existing and new initiatives to build capability and capacity, and strengthen collaboration for counter-disinformation efforts in Aotearoa, drawing on international best practice where appropriate to our context.
- Supporting education and community outreach: for existing and new community-based initiatives to support the development of accurate, audience-appropriate, engaging resource material. This material should help to build critical thinking skills, and digital and media literacy among a broad range of affected New Zealand communities.
The fund is managed by InternetNZ, Ipurangi Aotearoa and was delivered in two phases. InternetNZ is a not-for-profit organisation, kaitiaki and advocate for an accessible and safe internet that benefits everyone in Aotearoa.
Applications were sought in two phases from community organisations and groups for initiatives that:
- ensured public trust and confidence;
- demonstrated transparency and a commitment to human rights, including freedom of expression; and
- made Aotearoa stronger, smarter, and more resilient in the face of disinformation.
By the Numbers
InternetNZ has released a report which discusses the initial findings of the fund. You can read the report below:
Laying the Foundations: Building Resilience Against Disinformation
Delivery of initiatives is still underway, but here are some key figures below:
- 126 total expressions of interest (Phases 1 & 2)
- 23 applications for Phase 1 funding
- 11 applications for Phase 2 funding
- 8 successful Phase 1 applications
- 6 successful Phase 2 applications
- As at 19 June 2024, 49 products delivered (workshops & resources) to:
- Increased digital and media literacy
- Develop social media communications skills
- Support individuals and communities already responding to disinformation
- Identify and build skills for resilience to disinformation
- 60,000 online engagement
Funding results
The first phase of funding is now complete. The majority of the funding in this round supported initiatives of communities most affected by misinformation and disinformation: Māori, LGBTQIA+, seniors, Pasifika, tāngata whaikaha, recent refugees and migrants, and ethnic and religious minorities.
To find out about the results of the first phase of funding applications, and progress on the second phase, visit Internet NZ, Ipurangi Aotearoa.
This one-off fund is part of the civil society-led programme to strengthen national capacity to identify and address disinformation that ran over 2023 - 2024. For more information about the other initiatives in this programme: