The Policy Project has developed useful, practical resources that policy managers can use to develop their policy skills and produce great policy analysis and advice.

Start Right Guide
Start Right is about initiating policy projects to be set up for success. It's designed to be applied early in the life of a policy development project – by the manager commissioning the work and the policy practitioner doing the work. This guide includes the tools Prompts for Commissioning Conversations and the Green Light Framework.

Policy Skills Framework | Te Anga Pūkenga Kaupapahere
The Policy Skills Framework describes the mix of knowledge, applied skills, practices, and behaviours required to be able to deliver quality policy advice. Each element of the Framework is described at three levels of experience and competence (Developing, Practising, and Leading).

Map your team's policy skills profile with the Policy Skills Framework
This tool has been designed to help policy managers assess the skills of their team against the Policy Skills Framework. It can assist them in recruitment, staff development, and building policy teams in various contexts.

Development Pathways Tool
The Development Pathways Tool identifies the actions you can take to develop your skills at three different levels of practice – developing, practising, and leading. These actions are organised under three ways of learning – on the job experience, learning from others, and through formal training.

Policy Quality Framework
The Policy Quality Framework sets the standard against which written advice to ministers and Cabinet is assessed. Being familiar with the elements under each part of the Framework will give you a clear understanding of what makes good policy advice.

Commissioning worksheet for policy papers
This worksheet can help you to commission policy papers, guiding you to think about the context, aim, resources, deliverable, and deadline. It also includes tips for success.

Peer-review worksheet for policy papers
When peer reviewing a paper in development, this electronically editable worksheet can help you assess how well it meets the four standards of quality policy advice.

Open Government Partnership engagement resources
New Zealand is a signatory to the International Open Government Partnership Agreement. As part of its work programme under that agreement, the Policy Project has produced the following community engagement resources:
1. Good Practice Guide for Community Engagement
2. Principles and Values for Community Engagement
3. Getting Ready for Community Engagement
4. Community Engagement Design Tool
5. Selecting Methods for Community Engagement
6. Guide to Inclusive Community Engagement

Guide for central government engagement with local government
This publication was developed to help central government engage more effectively with local government. It reflects the view of a working group who came together in August 2018 to co-produce the guidance. It includes:
– principles of partnership and engagement
– roles, responsibilities and relationships of central and local government
– approach, methods, and tools for engagement.