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The Minister of Finance (the Minister) has presented the seventh Annual Report on the Operation of the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Act 2017 (the Act).
The Minister of Finance (the Minister) has presented the sixth Annual Report on the Operation of the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Act 2017 (the Act).
ContextDPMC is a small to medium organisation (285 headcount 30 September 2023 – 216 permanent, 52 fixed term [FT], 17 secondees in) supporting the Prime Minister, the Governor-General and Cabinet as well as the work of our other portfolio ministers.We exp
ContextNEMA is the Government lead for emergency management and is a departmental agency hosted by DPMC.Since 2019 when NEMA became a departmental agency we have grown exponentially from 56 staff to having a headcount of 162 staff as at September 202
As part of the Cyber Security Strategy, the Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications releases an annual report on activities under each of the priority areas set out in the strategy.
The Associate Minister of Finance (the Minister) has presented the fifth Annual Report on the Operation of the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Act 2017 (the Act).
Integrating diversity and inclusion is a key ingredient for our organisational success – it helps DPMC improve our services to the government and people of New Zealand, and to attract and retain talented employees.
Integrating diversity and inclusion is a key component for our organisational success – it helps NEMA improve our services to the government and people of New Zealand, and to attract and retain talented employees.
As part of the Cyber Security Strategy, the Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications releases an annual report on activities under each of the priority areas set out in the strategy.
This 2020/21 Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Annual Report is the first statutory report under the legislation. Last year a voluntary Annual Report for the 2019/20 year was published, which established baseline data for 21 of the Strategy’s
The five Child Poverty Related Indicators (CPRIs) are a subset of the child and youth wellbeing indicators. The CPRIs are measures related to the causes and consequences of child poverty.
Integrating diversity and inclusion is a key ingredient for our organisational success - it helps DPMC and NEMA improve our services to the Government and people of New Zealand, and to attract and retain
The Associate Minister of Finance (the Minister) has presented the fourth Annual Report on the Operation of the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Act 2017 (the Act).
The following Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minute were proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Minister for Child Poverty Reduction.
The Associate Minister of Finance (the Minister) has presented the third Annual Report on the Operation of the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Act 2017 (the Act).
Integrating diversity and inclusion is a key ingredient for our organisational success - it helps DPMC and NEMA improve our services to the Government and people of New Zealand, and to attract and retain talented employees. Attached is our Gender p
In signing this information, I acknowledge that I am responsible for the information on strategic intentions for the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
The Associate Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration has presented the second Annual Report of the Operation of the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Act 2017.