In December 2022, the Government announced Phase One of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic response.
The purpose of Phase One of the Inquiry is to strengthen New Zealand’s preparedness for, and response to, future pandemics by identifying those lessons that can be learnt from New Zealand’s response to COVID-19. It’s a matter of public importance that we do so, in order to ensure that New Zealand has appropriate and effective policies and practices in place for the future.
DPMC’s time-limited All-of-Government (AoG) COVID-19 RCOI unit provides an AoG coordination function by working with other agencies to reduce duplication of effort, gaps, and high transaction costs in relation to AoG information and material. The unit also ensures the provision of high-quality evidential responses to the Inquiry’s requests for information.
For a timeline of Aotearoa New Zealand’s significant COVID-19 events and key All-of-Government response activities click here.