The items considered by Cabinet and Cabinet committees are most often Cabinet papers. Sometimes oral items may also be considered (refer to the further guidance on oral items for information about when an oral item may be appropriate).
There are a number of templates for Cabinet papers. These must be used when drafting advice for consideration by Cabinet and Cabinet committees, as they outline the information that Cabinet needs to have when being asked to take decisions on these matters.
- the Cabinet policy paper template. This is the most commonly used template, and should be used if the proposal for consideration is not one of the below. If a paper is seeking approval of a business case, then there are additional requirements, as outlined in the guidance on Cabinet papers seeking business case approvals
- Legislation (i.e. papers considered by the Cabinet Legislation Committee (LEG)):
- seeking approval to introduce a bill to the House of Representatives
- seeking authorisation to submit secondary legislation to the Executive Council (e.g. an Order in Council). If approved by Cabinet, the secondary legislation will then be considered by the Executive Council, most often in the week following the LEG meeting. An advice sheet will also need to be provided in hard-copy to the Cabinet Office, which is submitted alongside the legislation for consideration at Executive Council.
- Appointments:
- noting that a Minister intends to appoint a candidate to a statutory or other government agency, board, organisation, or body (i.e. papers considered by the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee (APH), excepting nominations for New Zealand Honours). APH papers must also have organisation and candidate CV forms attached
- for approval by the Governor-General, or the Administrator of the Government when the Governor-General is out of the realm.
- seeking approval for actions relating to international treaties
- overseas travel by Ministers (excluding travel to Australia or the Ross Dependency in Antarctica, which only require the Prime Minister's approval):
In addition to the above, templates can also be found on CabGuide for seeking approval for seeking a priority for a bill on the government's legislation programme, and for a government response to a select inquiry or petition.