Responsibilities include early childhood education, primary and secondary schooling, and international education matters, including international school fees. Also includes responsibility for careers in schools and secondary-tertiary programmes.
Ministry of Education
Education Review Office
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
School Boards of Trustees
Education Payroll Ltd (Schedule 4A)1
Network for Learning Ltd (Schedule 4A)1
Education New Zealand
Music Teachers’ Registration Board
New Zealand Council for Educational Research
New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO
Ngarimu VC and 28th (Maori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board
Pacific Islands Polynesian Education Foundation
Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
Vote Education
Vote Education Review Office
Children's Act 2014 (Part 3)
Education and Training Act 20202
Education Lands Act 1949
Kitchener Memorial Scholarship Trust Act 1941
Maori Education Foundation (Abolition) Act 1993
Music Teachers Act 1981
New Zealand Council for Educational Research Act 1972
New Zealand Library Association Act 1939
Ngarimu VC and 28th (Maori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Act 1945
Pacific Education Foundation Act 1972
Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975
Queen Elizabeth the Second Postgraduate Fellowship of New Zealand Act 1963
Queen Elizabeth the Second Technicians' Study Award Act 1970
Taranaki Scholarships Trust Board Act 1957
1 Joint shareholding Minister with the Minister of Finance
2 A number of specific sections of the Education and Training Act 2020 have been assigned to the Minister for Universities and/or Minister for Vocational Education as outlined in the Register of Assigned Legislation on DPMC's website