Responsibilities include oversight of New Zealand's social welfare system, the implementation of the government's employment policies and programmes, including labour market modelling, analysis of labour market trends, Pacific Peoples economic development, NEET initiatives (Not in Employment, Education or Training), and the Mana in Mahi - Strength in Work Programme. Also responsible for the Independent Children's Monitor.
Ministry of Social Development
Social Wellbeing Agency
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Children and Young People's Commission - Mana Mokopuna
New Zealand Artificial Limb Service
Social Workers Registration Board
Independent Children's Monitor
Social Security Appeal Authority
Social Workers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal
Student Allowance Appeals Authority
Vote Social Development
Vote Labour Market
Vote Public Service
Artificial Limb Service Act 2018
Children and Young People's Commission Act 2022
Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975 (except for Parts 2 and 2A)
Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Repeal Act 2007
Education and Training Act 2020 (sections 386, 387, 396, 645, 646, 666, and Schedule 9 and 10)
Family Benefits (Home Ownership) Act 1964
New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Act 2001 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Act 2022
Social Security Act 2018
Social Workers Registration Act 2003