If any policy changes need to be made to a bill after it has been through the policy and legislative Cabinet committee stages and been introduced, this is usually done through a Supplementary Order Paper (SOP).
An SOP that serves a mechanical purpose (e.g. to break up a bill after its select committee stage) or that promotes minor technical improvements does not need to go through the Cabinet processes).
All SOPs that are outside the scope of a bill or that make substantive changes to a bill (particularly SOPs that are to be referred to a select committee for consideration) must first be submitted to the Cabinet Legislation Committee (LEG) or to the relevant Cabinet policy committee for approval.
When officials advising a select committee are to propose substantive amendments to a bill before a committee, Cabinet should be advised and prior policy approvals should be sought from Cabinet, if time permits.
The procedures and consultation requirements for government bills also apply to significant changes to a bill that is before the House or a select committee, whether or not the proposed changes are to be set out in a SOP or are outside the scope of the bill as introduced.