Responsibilities include reducing crime and victimisation, sentencing, parole, and bail policy, domestic and international criminal law, family law, youth justice, legal aid and access to justice, enforcement and protection of civil rights and interests, human rights, the quality of regulation, and electoral and constitutional law.
Ministry of Justice
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Electoral Commission
Human Rights Commission
Independent Police Conduct Authority
Law Commission
Privacy Commissioner
Public Trust Office
Real Estate Agents Authority
Legal Complaints Review Officer
Representation Commission
A large number of courts, tribunals, and other authorities receive administrative support from the Ministry of Justice. For a full list see
Vote Justice
Legislation jointly administered under both the Justice and Courts portfolios is indicated with the symbol ^
Abolition of the Death Penalty Act 1989
Abortion Legislation Act 2020
Administration Act 1969
Admiralty Act 1973^
Adoption Act 1955
Adoption (Intercountry) Act 1997
Adult Adoption Information Act 1985
Age of Majority Act 1970
Animals Law Reform Act 1989
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009
Arbitration Act 1996
Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) Act 1979
Arms Act 1983
Aviation Crimes Act 1972
Bail Act 2000
Broadcasting Act 19891 (Part 6)
Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal Act 2019
Care of Children Act 2004
Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Citizens Initiated Referenda Act 1993
Civil Union Act 2004
Constitution Act 1986
Contempt of Court Act 2019
Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017^
Contributory Negligence Act 1947
Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act 2022
Coroners Act 2006^
Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1967^
Courts (Remote Participation) Act 2010^
Courts Security Act 1999^
Crimes Act 1961^
Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons, United Nations and Associated Personnel, and Hostages) Act 1980
Crimes of Torture Act 1989
Criminal Cases Review Commission Act 2019
Criminal Disclosure Act 2008
Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Act 1995
Criminal Procedure Act 2011^
Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003
Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009
Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004
Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Act 2018
Crown Organisations (Criminal Liability) Act 2002
Crown Proceedings Act 1950
Deaths by Accidents Compensation Act 1952
Declaratory Judgments Act 1908^
Deeds Registration Act 1908^
Defamation Act 1992
Department of Justice (Restructuring) Act 1995
Disputes Tribunals Act 1988^
District Court Act 2016^
Domestic Actions Act 1975
Domicile Act 1976
Electoral Act 1993
Election Access Fund Act 2020
Electronic Courts and Tribunals Act 2016^
Evidence Act 2006
Extradition Act 1999
Family Court Act 1980^
Family Court (Supporting Families in Court) Legislation Act 2020
Family Dispute Resolution Act 2013
Family Proceedings Act 1980^
Family Protection Act 1955
Family Violence Act 2018
Fencing Act 1978
Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993
Financial Transactions Reporting Act 1996
Flags, Emblems and Names Protection Act 19812 (s.20)
Habeas Corpus Act 2001
Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015
Harassment Act 1997
Hotel Association of New Zealand Act 1969
Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004
Human Rights Act 1993
Imperial Laws Application Act 1988
Imprisonment for Debt Limitation Act 1908
Independent Police Conduct Authority Act 1988
Inferior Courts Procedure Act 1909^
Innkeepers Act 1962
Interest on Money Claims Act 2016^
International Crimes and International Criminal Court Act 20003
International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995
Joint Family Homes Act 1964
Judicial Conduct Commissioner and Judicial Conduct Panel Act 2004
Judicial Review Procedure Act 2016^
Juries Act 1981^
Justices of the Peace Act 1957
Land Transfer (Hawkes Bay) Act 1931
Land Valuation Proceedings Act 1948
Law Commission Act 1985
Law Reform Act 1936
Law Reform Act 1944
Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1949
Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006
Legal Services Act 2011
Legislation Act 20194
Legislative Council Abolition Act 1950
Limitation Act 2010
Maritime Crimes Act 1999
Marriage Act 1955
Mining Tenures Registration Act 1962
Misuse of Drugs Act 19755
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1992
Newspapers and Printers Act Repeal Act 1995
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
New Zealand Council of Law Reporting Act 1938
Oaths and Declarations Act 1957
Occupiers' Liability Act 1962
Official Information Act 1982
Ombudsmen Act 1975
Parole Act 20026
Political Disabilities Removal Act 1960
Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims Act 2005
Privacy Act 2020
Private International Law (Choice of Law in Tort) Act 2017
Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 20107
Prohibition of Gang Insignia in Government Premises Act 2013
Property Law Act 2007
Property (Relationships) Act 1976
Prostitution Reform Act 2003
Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988
Public Trust Act 2001
Real Estate Agents Act 2008
Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1934^
Referenda (Postal Voting) Act 2000
Returning Offenders (Management and Information) Act 2015
Royal Succession Act 2013
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
Search and Surveillance Act 2012
Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004
Secret Commissions Act 1910
Security Information in Proceedings Act 2022
Senior Courts Act 2016^
Sentencing Act 2002^6
Serious Fraud Office Act 1990
Simultaneous Deaths Act 1958
Status of Children Act 1969
Succession (Homicide) Act 2007
Summary Offences Act 1981
Summary Proceedings Act 1957^
Terrorism Suppression Act 20023
Terrorism Suppression (Control Orders) Act 2019
Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act 2010
Treaty of Waitangi (State Enterprises) Act 1988
Trespass Act 1980
Trustee Companies Act 1967
Trusts Act 2019
Unit Titles Act 20108 (subpart 1 of Part 4)
Victims' Orders Against Violent Offenders Act 2014
Victims’ Rights Act 2002
Wills Act 1837 (UK)
Wills Act 2007
1 Administered jointly with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and Te Puni Kōkiri.
2 Administered jointly with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage.
3 Administered jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
4 Administered jointly with the Parliamentary Counsel Office.
5 Administered jointly with the Ministry of Health.
6 Administered jointly with the Department of Corrections.
7 Sections 100 and 101 are administered by the Department of Internal Affairs.
8 Administered jointly with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Land Information New Zealand.