This Cabinet paper and related Cabinet minutes have been proactively released by the Minister for National Security and Intelligence.
Accessible HTML version
Only the first two paragraphs of the Cabinet Paper are extracted below in HTML. If you require a full HTML version of this Cabinet decision release please contact and cite ERS-19-SUB-0026 as a reference.
Extract from Cabinet Paper ERS-19-SUB-0026: Looking Forward: Strengthening New Zealand Against Terrorism and Violent Extremism#
1Six months on from New Zealand’s worst terrorist attack, this paper seeks Cabinet agreement to a counter-terrorism strategy, the aim of which is bringing our nation together to protect all New Zealanders from terrorism and violent extremism of all kinds. This strategy weights our efforts towards prevention and working together as a nation to address the root causes of violent extremism, while keeping New Zealanders safe by leveraging our high levels of trust, our tolerant and inclusive society, and strong connections in and between communities.
2This paper also attaches the counter-terrorism work programme and communications plan that support the strategy, for Cabinet consideration. These seek to minimise the likelihood of future terrorist attacks and to provide public reassurance. It also sets out a process for responding to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques, and seeks agreement to a process for considering related Budget bids.