Free and frank advice underpins our system of government.
Policy practitioners giving free and frank advice to their Ministers (and Cabinet as whole) is one of the principal tenets of our system of government. It demonstrates and upholds the impartiality fundamental to maintaining a politically neutral public service. Being both able and willing to provide free and frank advice underpins the integrity, legitimacy and performance of New Zealand’s system of government.
What is free and frank advice? The Public Service Commissioner’s 2017 guidance on free and frank advice said that this means providing advice that:
- identifies the nature, scale and significance of the policy issue or opportunity (with supporting evidence)
- is politically neutral while also being aware of relevant political contexts
- recognises the historic, contemporary and potential longer term dimensions or conditions
- is comprehensive, objective and balanced to cover the range of options that address the issue(s)
- is honest about where the opportunities, benefits, costs, pitfalls and risks of all options are and about the limitations, assumptions and information gaps in analysis
- is clear about any trade-offs involved and which option(s) on balance are recommended
- delivers any hard truths in the most constructive way possible
- covers implementation considerations.
In practice, delivering free and frank advice requires understanding both what has been requested, and what is required to enable government decisions that get the best results for people in New Zealand. It focuses on the decision-maker’s objectives, while being honest, apolitical and constructive about the best way to achieve them (which may mean challenging the decision-maker’s understanding and initial preference). Free and frank advice ensures that decision-makers are alerted to the possible consequences of following particular policies.
Read more here from commentators and experts on free and frank advice in New Zealand.
- Free, Frank, and other F words
A speech from the former Head of the Policy Profession to an IPANZ seminar on the infrastructure for providing free and frank policy advice.
- Free and Frank Advice (and FAQs)
Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission’s guidance also addresses the need for good policy stewardship, which is about being well-placed to provide free and frank advice to successive governments.
- Mastering the art of free and frank advice.
A speech from the former Head of the Policy Profession to the Institute of Public Administration New Zealand.
- Free and Frank – Why it Matters
Carl Billington’s article in the Public Service Journal, on the convention of free and frank advice, and what it means for the future.
- Free and frank advice and the Official Information Act
To what extent can and should public servants expect their advice to ministers to remain confidential? Read this article by the former Head of the Policy Profession and Peter Boshier from the May 2018 Policy Quarterly.
- Free and Frank Advice in the Context of Open Government - Why It Matters.
The former Head of the Policy Profession spoke at an Institute of Public Administration New Zealand seminar, outlining the key points of his speech in the following video.
- Developing quality policy advice in the lead up to developing Cabinet policy proposals
Cabinet Office’s guidance on the role of free and frank advice in developing quality Cabinet papers.
- The OIA and the public policy making process
This resource from the Office of the Ombudsman contains links to the ‘good government’ withholding grounds for official information.