A refreshed New Zealand Cyber Security Strategy, accompanying Action Plan, and a National Plan to Address Cybercrime, were released on 10 December 2015 and replace New Zealand's 2011 Cyber Security Strategy.
This new Strategy signals the Government's commitment to ensuring New Zealand is secure, resilient and prosperous online. The Strategy has four principles:
partnerships are essential economic growth is enabled national security is upheld human rights are protected online.
The strategy has four intersecting goals.

The National Cyber Policy Office has worked with government agencies and Connect Smart public-private partners to produce the first Annual Report on progress with the implementation of the Action Plan.
Connect Smart is a Government-led initiative, delivered in partnership with the private and NGO sectors, to raise awareness of cyber security issues and promote ways to protect yourself, your business and others online. Go to to find out more. The New Zealand Cyber Security Strategy 2015 and accompanying documents can also be found on that website.