Responsibilities include driving and delivering the government's broadcasting and media policies (including the diversity and accessibility of broadcast content, broadcasting standards, and the regulation of the print media), the regulation of the telecommunications and postal sectors, the roll-out of ultra-fast broadband, rural broadband and radio spectrum management.
The Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment provide support for this portfolio.
Broadcasting Standards Authority
National Pacific Radio Trust
Broadcasting Commission (NZ On Air)
Radio New Zealand Limited
Television New Zealand Limited
Vote Arts, Culture and Heritage
Vote Business, Science and Innovation
Broadcasting Act 1989 (except Parts 4A and 6)
Postal Services Act 1998
Radiocommunications Act 1989
Radio New Zealand Act 1995
Telecommunications Act 2001
Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Act 2013
Television New Zealand Act 2003